Forest Service Common Names
Basic Description: The FSCommonNames dataset contains the common names of the national forests and grasslands and their respective FS WWW URL information that is used for both display of the national forest and national grassland boundaries on any map product and for dynamic interactivity of the map. This published dataset consists of one polygon feature class. There is also a generalized version of this dataset called FSCommonNames_Gen. Detailed Description: This dataset exhibits the following characteristics: 1. Granularity of the polygon features: The spatial extent of the national forests and the grasslands match the way the agency would like to communicate with the public. 2. Preferred /Common Name of the National Forest Units: The common names of the national forest and grassland match the preferred name column that is present in the common names decision table maintained by the Office of Communication. 3. Hyperlinks to FS WWW Home page: This column contains the national forest and their respective FS WWW URL information. This URL could be used on any interactive map applications to link users directly to a forests home page.